Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Frozen garden pond..

frozen garden pond..
These pictures are of my garden pond in January, 2009. The first was taken a week before the second., the first being the one on the right. The picture is of the "bubbler that I run during the winter to keep the pond from freezing solid., because of my fish. The water is still running under the ice. I for one am really weary of winter! It has been below freezing here for over a week. I carry around my Heat Pillow that I got at a craft fair last year. It is filled with lavendar and other smells, and when you heat it in the microwave it is warm and smells wonderful. Takes my mind off of the fact that we are all freezing. Hope Spring comes fast, we will see what the Ground Hog says next week.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Elves with Grandpa

Christmas Eve fround Grandpa with an armful of Christmas Elves.
Grandpa with Henry Dean (on left)
and Jacob Patrick (on right)
It was the only time they were being somewhat still during the night. LOL

Monday, January 5, 2009

Blues in my hand.....

Blues is learning to trust enough to lay in my hand. He was hatched September 25, so he is still a baby. !Such a sweetheart!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Cody's 14th birthday party was celebrated Jan. 3 with a party at a restaurant in Overland Park. The whole family plus were there. We embarassed Cody with a big Happy Birthday song and had a wonderful time.
We love you!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Weigh in day for the Parrots

I always weigh my parrots on January 1...well, my Congo African Grey, Einstien, decided that he didn't want to get on the scales today., even with a little begging from me, and a special treat.