Monday, March 22, 2010

I sorrow today for our Country that has sold it's soul.

Today is a truely sad day in America. This is not my Country any longer, it belongs to Washington and the Socialist agenda that is taking over our once great Country. I remember a time when, for me, politics was just that...people saw things differently in a constructive "everyone is American" way. Now, it is a fight for the Country our Founders made, chunk by chunk it is being destroyed by Washington and the powers that be., AGAINST the will of the people.

I sorrow for the babies that will continue to die because of the Pro-CHOICE (choice for killing?) agenda. I sorrow for the millions of Americans that will have those deaths on their souls because of the tax money that will fund their deaths. Lord, forgive us..

I also sorrow for the knowledge that, regardless of the obvious WILL OF THE PEOPLE Washington pushed on for the Health Care Bill "in our best interest". I resent that!! I answer only to my Lord, and he has my best interest at heart, I have only to pick up my Bible and see the answers., NOT to Washington!
Like minded people tell me "November we will start the take back of our Country", I know this is true., but worry about the "take back" of yesterday's vote for this horrific Health Care Bill that will change our country. I worry about the fact that "Washington" is so concerned about this bill they don't consider the financial concequences of it on a nation this is in debt so deeply.
I fear from my Children and Grandchildren and Pray for the America we once had.