Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Saturday shopping trip for Grandma

I went shopping and to lunch with my daughters and their sons today. Saddly, my oldest Grandson, Cody..didn't want to attend. I miss him, since he became a Teenager he is not around much. :-(
We went to lunch at Red Robin..and interesting trip with a 18 month old and a 2 year old. A laugh a minute. Jacob tried to pick the waiters' pocket..sticky finger that he is. Henry decided to take off the minute Allison put him down and she (9 months pregnant) ran him down in the restaurant. It was a funny thing to see. LOL
We ended up at Babies R Us and had fun turning on all of the swings and their music and leaving the area. Some people never grow up. Kimberly and Jacob played bumper carts with Grandma and Henry while Allison looked for an outfit to bring the new daughter or son home from the hospital in. How small they look!
Then we were off to Costco where we promptly put Jacob and Henry in a cart together and did some quick they were getting tired...(not to mention that Grandma was wearing out, too). At one point Jacob and Henry were giving hugs and Jacob felt such love for his cousin he bit him on the hand...uh oh!
All and all it was a fun day (even if I wonder if the reason my daughters take me along is because I have a Handicapped Parking Pass..hmmmm..they kept commenting that it was good to have a Mom with MS )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great recap, Momma! And, for the record, it's not just for the handicapped pass - although it's nice :) We bring you along for entertainment's value. Always a laugh a minute! Love you!